Tuscany Wine Tasting

October 19, 2022
This was one of the best excursions I have ever been on. We were picked up by Andrea in private car and taken all over Tuscany. Andrea was polite, so accommodating and knowledgeable. On the way to the scheduled vineyards he would let us stop along the way when we wanted to visit other places and take pictures. He was so flexible! The vineyards we visited were just breathtaking and the first one blew us away. The owner sat us down at a private table after taking us on a tour and we could drink as many samples of wine as we wanted…and the pours were not like the samples in America. They were practically full glasses. It was so neat to compare the different vineyards, too, as they were very different. It was the best day of our trip. We loved it so so much. We purchased wine at the end to have sent to us back home and as we drink it here we reflect back on our time in Tuscany. Amazing excursion!!!
Reviewer: Suzanne Tamassia
5 Stars