Excursion Protection Plan

Excursion Protection Plan
This plan offers you the peace of mind that you will receive a FULL REFUND for your shore excursions in the event certain unforeseen circumstances prevent you from participating in your excursions. This includes:
● Medical Issue
Any illness, injury, or other medical issue which prevents you from participating in your shore excursion
● Transportation Difficulties
Any airline, car, bus, train, or other transportation problem that causes you to miss the start of your cruise and miss the port where your excursion is scheduled
● Ship Boarding Problems
You are denied boarding by your cruise line due to insufficient documentation, immigration/visa issues or any other reason and, as a result, you miss the port where your excursion is scheduled
● Visa or Passport Problems
You are not permitted to debark the ship in the port where your excursion is scheduled
Terms & Conditions
Excursion Cancellation
Trip Cancellation Benefits:
The Excursion Protection Plan offers customers the peace of mind that they will receive a full refund for their shore excursions in the event certain unforeseen circumstances prevent them from participating in their shore excursions.
Unforeseen Circumstances:
Shore Excursions will fully refund the Customer if a cruise/excursion is cancelled for one of the following unforeseen circumstances:
Illness, injury or death- If the Customer must cancel the excursion due to illness or injury to his/herself, the cause must be so disabling as to reasonably cause an excursion to be cancelled or interrupted.
Transportation Difficulties- If the Customer must cancel the excursion because he or she experiences delays due to a) carrier/airline caused delay; b) traffic accident while en route to a departure; or c) natural disaster that causes the Customer to miss the ship and, therefore, miss the port where the excursion is scheduled.
Ship Boarding Problems- If the Customer must cancel the trip because the Customer has been denied boarding by their cruise line due to insufficient documentation, immigration/visa issues or any other reason and, as a result, they miss the port where the excursion is scheduled.
Visa or Passport Problems - If the Customer is not permitted to debark the ship in the port where the excursion is scheduled.
Payment of Refunds
Refund Request:
The customer must contact Shore Excursions as soon as they learn of their inability to take the excursion(s) with refund information including reason for trip cancellation, proof of payment for protection plan, excursion location, excursion dates, and the cost of the excursion. Shore Excursions will complete the refund statement for the Customer, and return the form for the Customer to sign.
Refund Request Form(s):
The Customer must sign and return the completed form(s) within 30 days after receipt. The form(s) will include a "Refund Statement" that explains a) why the trip was cancelled and b) furnishes information supporting the reason for cancellation.
1. If the excursion was cancelled due to injury or illness, the Customer must provide documentation from a licensed physician explaining the extent of the illness or injury. Refunds for illness or injury are provided only to the customer who was ill or injured.
2. If the excursion was cancelled due to transportation difficulties or ship boarding problems, the Customer must provide documentation stating that the Customer was not able to board the ship.
3. If the excursion was cancelled due to visa or passport problems, the Customer must provide documentation from the cruise line stating that he/she was unable to debark from the cruise ship.
Effective Date:
Refund protection will become effective 12:01 am Standard Time on the date after purchasing the protection plan.
Payment of Refund:
Refunds will not include expedite fees or credits applied to orders from discounts or coupons.
Refunds will be paid within 21 days after Shore Excursions receives completed refund request form(s) signed by the Customer.
General Exclusions:
The Protection Plan does not provide refunds on account of:
a) Intentionally self-inflicted injury or attempt at an intentionally self-inflicted injury, suicide or attempted suicide of customer;
b) War or act of war;
c) Any unlawful acts committed by customer;
d) Mental, physical or nervous disorders;
e) Alcohol or substance abuse treatment; or
f) Elective or non-emergency treatment or surgery.
Coupons, Discounts or Promotions
The Protection Plan does not provide refunds for that portion of any excursion price which has been paid for by a coupon, discount or any other type of promotion issued by Shore Excursions or any of its affiliates.
Concealment or Fraud:
Shore Excursions does not provide refunds to Customers if the Customer has intentionally concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance related to protection plan.